How to Get Vaccinated in NC

Figure out which Group you're in: Sign up for the Duke waiting list: They will contact you with openings. This is how I got a Jannsen (Johnson and Johnson) vaccine. Check the UNC Appointments Regularly: There will often be a message on there staying "We’re very sorry, but all vaccine appointments have been...

Local Development with Vagrant

If you're getting into development, and are looking for a convenient way to set up a development environment on your machine without creating a lot of clutter that you can't easily uninstall later, one great solution is Vagrant, which allows users to script out the creation of virtual environments in programs like VirtualBox. Both are...

Custom Field Templating

There are two very useful plugins for WordPress that enable the development of custom post types with specialized fields. Custom Post Type UI (CPT UI) allows users to create custom post types like "Person" or "Article", and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) allows users to include additional fields beyond just title and content: for example, first...

What is True Wind?

Begun in early 2017, True Wind Technology is a web development agency based out of Carrboro, North Carolina that offers reasonably-priced, customized solutions to individuals, artists, small businesses and academic organizations in the areas of web design and development and data management and analysis. The group was initially formed in response to the sense that lower-budget...